

Published in: Basilicata


Additional Info

  • Nome Associazione / Association's Name FRECCIA NEL CIELO di Arena Vittoria
  • Indirizzo / Address Via Mantova, 50
  • Città / City Potenza
  • Codice fiscale / Code n RNAVTR56S42G942U
  • P.IVA / VAT 01495040766
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Responsabile / Director Arena Vittoria
Published in: Basilicata


Additional Info

  • Nome Associazione / Association's Name Euro-net
  • Indirizzo / Address Vicolo Luigi Lavista, 3
  • Città / City Potenza (Italy)
  • Codice fiscale / Code n 96027830767
  • P.IVA / VAT 01375490768
  • Telefono / Phone +39.0971.23300
  • Fax +39.0971.21124
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Responsabile / Director Anna Lagrotta
  • Referente di contatto / Contact Person Antonino Imbesi

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